October 26, 2013

Open Tests!

For the ones who were waiting ... Great news!

I finished the campaign made some changes and fixes, and now there is beta version of Megom Chronicles: Memory Crystal!

So now I am searching for those brave ones who want to test it. The game is 100% playable has minor bugs, text typos and so on. It needs more polishing do that's why I am introducing you to open tests!

Test will allow you to play this game as one of first! You will receive extra map of Aalondor, which you will need during tests. You will receive also "Tester's Diary" a small Excell file where you can find methodology of testing and space where you can write found bugs.

I am seaching from 3 - 5 testers no more no less. It will be good to test it on various levels of difficulties so I will choose people according to their gaming skills.

Please write your applications to e-mail adress: mich.krajewski[at]gmail.com
Write down on which difficulty you will be playing. I warn you - campaign is rather hard.

Campaign properties:
Game version: Equilibris v3.51 (You can download it here: EQ mod)
Players: 1
8 Maps: M, M, L, XL, M, M, L, XL

September 18, 2013

Update IV

I have tested 6th map and now I am currently testing map 7th - the one before last map. I have decided to change few things but still it isn't a lot. A slow progress is mainly a result of a job... I was thinking of releasing the beta version still in september, but it will be rather october.

During the works on this campaign my script skill improved, so that I can see all these stupid solutions in MC:ToS, which now I would made totally differently.

List of major changes:
  • Lowering the number of megadragons the King of Megadragons had - he had them too much.
  • Changed one riddle in the 6th map so that it is optional, not essential to pass the maze. It was difficult even for me, but the reward is pretty neat.
  • Map 5th need a lot of changes in creatures stacks because it is a RPG style map, and creatures were too big for the player even in the novice difficulty. Creatures were changed to computer banner and dinamically changed to no player .It is great because I can steer in which day it happens, increasing or decreasing the difficulty. It is really good solution for all RPG style maps.
  • The main hero will have limited number of spell points which have an explanation in the story. Before it had from the start of 6th map a great amount of mana, which is irrational.
  • Apart form major changes there were lot of smaller one for example: quest hut which didn't work, text mistakes, carryover errors, which were annoying because I had to restart the map.

More things to do:
  • Replace bless wand for healing wand.
  • I changed the winning moment in the 6th map making the map more difficult, because player don't have time for playfull strolling.

July 28, 2013

Update III

I finished making the campaign and now there is time for testing. The first time I am going to play through the whole campaign, fix some bugs, ballance the game etc. After that I will be searching for testers, so stay tuned.

June 10, 2013

Update II

Recently I had really little time for making the campaign - but still I managed to do a whole landscape of the 8th and the last map of it. You can enjoy a screenshot of the map below.

To finish the last map I need to add scripts, texts and test it. It will take some time, but I think I am slowly coming to the end of making the campaign :)

After the finishing 8th map I still need to test the whole game. Before that I will search for the tester for my creation. I will post the news in proper time.

Take care all the fans of Megom stories!

March 15, 2013

Update I

To ones that don't know on which stage are preparations of MC: Memory Chrystal: Project is slowly developing. The release of new campaign is planned for this year.

These are goals for this year:
1. Making the last 8th map of campaign. (essential)
2. Testing and polishing the campaign. (essential)
3. Promoting the campaign. (partially done)
4. Making new menu. (additional)

March 12, 2013

Starting up

Welcome to my page!

In 11 of march I decided to make a official page of Megom Chronicles Project. Yes "project" because the campaigns are huge and work on it take me a lot of time. The story is constantly developed and now I am working on sequel Megom Chronicles: Memory Chrystal. It was matter of time when I make such page to gather all news and medias involving the project. Let's introduce you to Megom Chronicles official page.